Condo residents stymied in effort to screen off gas meters on Springhurst Avenue

Mainstreeter Staff

A solid outdoor wall of mechanical pipes from the Corners on Main (TCOM) development constitute an eyesore for pedestrians and for the residences across the street on Springhurst Avenue, according to the TCOM Condo Board and the building manager.

The concerned condo dwellers are seeking to have TCOM’s developer, Domicile, erect a screen to cover the piping, and have requested intervention from the Old Ottawa East Community Association (OOECA).

A request from the building manager to Domicile to remedy the unsightly gas meters elicited a negative response from the developer, according to recorded minutes of a recent Condo Board meeting which state: “The manager reported that she had followed up with David Chick and was told in no uncertain terms that Domicile has no intention of providing any screening. The Board was deeply disappointed in this response. Regardless, the Board felt that it is important for TCOM to maintain a positive relationship with neighbours and requested that the manager look into options that TCOM could undertake for covering the meters.”

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