ART BEAT- Tim Hunt’s Main Street Sketches – August 2024

Tim Hunt

Artist Tim Hunt.
Tim Hunt explores his community outfitted with a small sketchbook, pen, and watercolour kit. In our regular feature, he shares the pages from his sketchbook and tells the stories behind his work.

Tim Hunt: On a Saturday morning in early July, I popped over to the new home of the Main Farmers’ Market on the Grande Allée to snap a few reference photos for this drawing.

I thought I was being somewhat covert, taking pictures from my bicycle on the opposite side of Main Street. But my cover was blown when three women chatting at the entrance started waving at me from across the street. It turns out that they were neighbours of mine who guessed right away what I was up to!

Tim Hunts Market SketchSuch is the way with a community farmers’ market, where after a busy week, people stroll at leisure and catch up with friends while supporting local vendors.

The stained glass window replicas act as a gateway to a flourish of vendors’ tents along the pathway leading to the historic stone building, which provides a splendid backdrop for this charming market.

Filed in: Art Beat, Front Page

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