HEALTHY LIVING: There’s Never Too Much Snow For The Rideau Winter Trail

Martha Jeacle

what the volunteers with the Rideau Winter Trail (RWT) start thinking by early December of each year. This free-to-use urban winter trail is groomed along the Rideau River from Donald Street to Bank Street throughout the snowy season for residents to use for cross country skiing (classic and skate), walking, winter biking and snowshoeing.

Here are four things to know about the RWT community initiative:

1. The RWT has come a long way since inception

After a couple of seasons with a few pilot grooms from Donald Street to the Queensway, the RWT’s first full season of grooming was 2020/21. The organizers didn’t own any equipment at the time and relied on a contract company to groom the trail. As they were often busy, sometimes it was necessary to wait until they were available, which could be between hours and a few days after a fresh snowfall.

Due to strong community support, the RWT members were able to purchase an older ATV during the season and used it to backstop the work of the contractor. They were able to set corduroy using repurposed plastic mats discarded from a local ice rink. Due to successful GoFundMe campaigns, government grants and sponsorship from local businesses over the past few seasons, the RWT has been able to purchase ATVs, grooming equipment and storage containers – which means that they have been able to groom “on demand.” When the snow falls, the volunteer grooming team is out getting the trail ready for use (often late at night, so the tracks can set and be in pristine shape for the morning).

The Rideau Winter Trail has been a hugely successful community initiative since its first full season of grooming in 2020/21. The free-to-use urban winter trail provides active recreation for cross country skiiers (classic and skate), walkers, winter bikers and snowshoers,and this year organizers hope to expand the trail with possible pilot projects that would extend grooming from Donald Street to Vincent Massey Park. Photo by Martha Jeacle

The Rideau Winter Trail has been a hugely successful community initiative since its first full season of grooming in 2020/21. The free-to-use urban winter trail provides active recreation for cross country skiiers (classic and skate), walkers, winter bikers and snowshoers,and this year organizers hope to expand the trail with possible pilot projects that would extend grooming from Donald Street to Vincent Massey Park. Photo by Martha Jeacle

2. The RWT is ready to expand

Expansion has been on the RWT’s agenda since the inception of the trail, and the organizers have been working hard to get the necessary resources to make this happen. They are optimistic about a pilot or two of an expanded trail this season, grooming all the way from Donald Street to Vincent Massey Park. If all goes well, RWT will consider making this a more permanent expansion (though the group would need to continue to fundraise to make this sustainable). Check out RWT’s social media for updates on when these pilots will take place (dates will depend on what Mother Nature has to offer this winter!).

3. Loppet number 2 is coming in February 2025

Last season, RWT held its first ever loppet – it was a huge success, selling out and raising funds for the trail. For those not familiar with the term, a loppet is a Scandinavian word for a fun, sociable cross country ski event for all ages and abilities, followed by refreshments. A great community event, RWT is excited to host another loppet on February 23rd at 10am. Stay tuned to their social media channels or their website for details.

4. The RWT and the community

The RWT welcomes groups to use the trail. Provided a group notifies RWT in advance of their arrival time, the RWT may be able to adapt its grooming schedule (depending on volunteer availability) to ensure the best conditions possible for the visit. Please feel free to reach out to RWT at

The RWT plans to celebrate World Snow Day (as it did last year) on Sunday, January 19th and the Ottawa Outdoor Gear Library will be on the trail (near the Rideau Sport Centre) with free snowshoes for people to borrow. Details will be announced on the RWT’s social media and website closer to the time.

Should you be part of a community association or other group that would like to learn more about the trail, RWT volunteers are available to visit your group and inform people about the trail (either virtually or in person).

To learn more about the RWT, you can follow the organization on Facebook (@RideauWinterTrail), X (@RideauWinter) and Instagram (@rideauwintertrail), or visit the website (

Martha Jeacle is an RWT volunteer.

Filed in: Front Page, Healthy Living

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