The Mainstreeter is a non-profit community newspaper supported by its advertisers.  We have been the voice of Old Ottawa East for 39 years.

We publish six issues each year and distribute the paper in print, pdf, email newsletter and by posting to our media feeds.

The 4,200 printed copies of The Mainstreeter are delivered to residential addresses throughout Old East Ottawa and are also available for pick up at four conveniently located newspaper boxes, at local businesses and inside some condominiums and apartment buildings in the community. Based upon 2024 data in our new readership survey, an estimated 9,525 people read each issue of The Mainstreeter.


The average Old Ottawa East resident is affluent and highly educated. Average household income is $104,609 while 77% of residents hold a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to 45% in Ottawa as a whole.  Households are split between owners and renters.

Approximately 8,600 people live in Old Ottawa East, with the population having grown by almost 15% since 2016 (Source: Canada Census of Population 2021).

Three key factors fuel this growth:

  • The Greystone Village housing development that will see close to 1500 new homes, condos and apartments upon completion
  • The transformation of Main Street into a compete street which gives as much preference to pedestrians and cyclists as it does to cars, and
  • The recently built Flora Footbridge over the Rideau Canal connecting Old Ottawa East to the Glebe.

The community is sandwiched between the Rideau Canal and the Rideau River which form its western and eastern boundaries.  The Queensway and Nicholas Street form the northern border with Avenue Road marking the southern border. The community borders Old Ottawa South, the Glebe, Alta Vista, and Sandy Hill, and The Mainstreeter is also read by residents in each of these communities.

Advertising Rates and Deadlines

For more information about our packages, rates, and technical specs, click here to view our 2025 media kit in PDF format.

For more information, please contact Ben Crooks, Advertising Manager:

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