Tim Hunt’s Main Street Sketches

Two proposed optionsTim Hunt explores his community outfitted with a small sketchbook, pen, and watercolour kit. In our regular feature, he shares the pages from his sketchbook and tells the stories behind his work.

Tim Hunts Main Street Sketches

Tim Hunt: Sketching this familiar string of buildings along Hawthorne Avenue, approaching the Pretoria Bridge, I had to take a break midway to warm my drawing hand on one of the first subzero mornings of the season.

Anchoring these modest two-storey Edwardian townhouses at Colonel By Drive is the building formerly occupied by the Royal Oak (OOE’s only pub for almost 20 years) and now the future home of Gray Jay Hospitality.

Next door, Greek-on-Wheels (recently relocated) started its popular business here almost a quarter century ago. Its east-side neighbour, Cyco’s, has rented bikes and skates to Rideau Canal visitors for 25 years.

One of the joys of drawing these buildings is getting to know the details one might not notice while going about daily business. Waiting for the 55 bus or having a few minutes to kill while the vertical lift bridge does its thing is a good opportunity to check out the ornate balconies on the apartments and the architectural details above street level.

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