Tim Hunt’s Main Street Sketches – December 2023

Image by Tim Hunt

Image by Tim Hunt

Tim Hunt

Tim Hunt explores his community outfitted with a small sketchbook, pen, and watercolour kit. In our regular feature, he shares the pages from his sketchbook and tells the stories behind his work.

Tim Hunt: I love the walk to the Sunnyside Branch of the Ottawa Public Library. The route along Echo Drive affords a splendid view of historic homes, majestic pines, and the city’s best vantage across the canal to Lansdowne Park and the Aberdeen Pavilion.

A quaint library by city standards, the stonework pairs with neighbouring Southminster United Church across the street creating a welcoming gateway to Old Ottawa South from the Bank Street Bridge.

There is a charming little garden along the building’s south side, and I chose to sketch this scene when the sunflowers were in bloom. I couldn’t resist adding the dome of the College of Physicians and Surgeons peeking over the rooftop while at street level a mom and her kids wait for the bus with a fresh clutch of books.

When my kids were younger, we used to go library hopping among the 30-plus branches in the Ottawa Public Library system, never leaving without a few treasures. Writing this column during the hype of Black Friday, I am so grateful for the free loans provided by the library to citizens young and old: free books, music, movies, museum passes, ski passes, musical instruments, and more! Best deals in town!

Filed in: Art Beat, Front Page

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