BUSINESS BEAT – J:FUSE Aburi & Bar Here At Last!

J:FUSE Aburi & Bar, the new Japanese and Korean cuisine restaurant locatedin the commercial units of the Milieu Modern Apartments fronting on Main Street, was poised to open as we went to press with this issue of The Mainstreeter. Look for our J:FUSE restaurant review in our April issue. Photo by Lorne Abugov

J:FUSE Aburi & Bar, the new Japanese and Korean cuisine restaurant locatedin the commercial units of the Milieu Modern Apartments fronting on Main Street, was poised to open as we went to press with this issue of The Mainstreeter.
Look for our J:FUSE restaurant review in our April issue. Photo by Lorne Abugov

Peter Tobin

That Opening Soon sign that has been fluttering over the proposed J:Fuse Aburi bar and restaurant site on Main Street since early November may be on its last wings. Not to worry because a replacement sign in February could well read Open Now.

In an email exchange with The Mainstreeter just days before we went to press, J:Fuse chef/owner James Park explained that aside from a minor adjustment to a range hood, the restaurant’s infrastructure is now complete. The tables and chairs are in place, the liquor licence will be received before opening, and all the regulatory inspections except for a fire inspection have been completed.

Assuming that the fire inspection proceeds successfully and in a timely manner, and Park is hopeful that it will, J:Fuse could open as early as the first week of February.

As noted previously in The Mainstreeter, J:Fuse will feature Japanese fusion cuisine and some Korean dishes. Aburi, literally translated from Japanese, means ‘flame seared’. J:Fuse will complement Park’s other restaurant, the popular J:Unique sushi restaurant on Cooper Street in downtown Ottawa. In 2018, he and his wife moved to Ottawa from Vancouver and the pair opened J:Unique in the fall of that year.

Regardless of whether an early February opening proves to be overly optimistic, James Park and his team remain excited about coming to Main Street, and local residents remain anxious to taste the fusion offerings of J:Fuse Aburi bar and restaurant.

Filed in: Front Page

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