Small groups, big scoops

Life expands in a big way in small groups.

It is not without purpose that the leadership at Calvary Baptist Church has promoted many small groups within the community life of the church.

“I want to grow with a group,” said Elena Galang, in an unprompted comment at a recent small group event. “I get so much more encouragement.”

Snuggled in her words is a truth that God seems to have placed directly into the human spirit: growth happens in groups.

James Long expressed it well when he wrote in a recent blog: “God could have conducted unending individual spiritual conferences. But He does not want us connected only to Him; He wants us connected also to one another.”

It is in such connections that life takes on its full expression and purpose.

One unexpected dimension developing within the small groups at Calvary is the celebration of key life changes.

Within the time-frame of a couple of weeks, four different groups experienced growth: in a wedding shower for a girl moving to New York State, a celebration of a person’s retirement, a farewell bid to a young adult moving to Australia and in an 85th birthday party.

As a scoop of ice cream on a small cone delights the eyes of a youngster, a scoop of community life in a small setting also delights the hearts of all ages.

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