Busy Times at Canadian Martyrs

Just as the change of colours marks the fall season, so does the Feast of Canadian Martyrs mark the beginning of fall activities at Canadian Martyrs Parish.

The September event was celebrated this year with a Saturday harvest feast and a Sunday light lunch reception.

October events included a ministry fair, the formation of a group for Catholic university students (Facebook: UCY Youth Group) and the first session of three in our speakers series, which focused on the role of the liturgy in the life of the parish. Susan Roll, a professor from Saint Paul University animated the discussion.

November was marked by the fall clean-up. People raked 30 bags of leaves and gave the sanctuary a thorough cleaning. Two pizza nights and the seniors lunch provided friends with a chance to reconnect.

The beginning of Advent was marked on Nov.16 with the Advent Fair. The activities were geared towards family and children, including the making of advent wreaths and calendars.

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