Letter to the Editor, December 2014

To the Editor:

On Oct. 27, I was given the great honour of serving as your mayor for four more years.

Today, I am writing to say thank you.

As a candidate for mayor this year, I canvassed in all 23 wards, participated in more than a half-dozen debates and worked hard to put forward a platform that would move our city forward while living within our means.

What made campaigning so rewarding was the chance to speak with Ottawa’s residents one-on-one at their doors day after day. My job puts me in touch with tens of thousands of residents each year through different events and programs but it doesn’t leave me much time to visit residents to hear their ideas and concerns first-hand. Doing so during the campaign reminded me again how compassionate and diverse our city’s residents are and the support I received was what kept me working hard every day.

As the results came in on election night I felt truly honoured to have received the largest percentage of the votes cast and the highest number of total votes in Ottawa’s amalgamated history.

This is a mandate for progress in our city. As I set out to lead this new term of council I promise not to forget this support.

These years will see us open the first phase of our LRT system, clean up the Ottawa River, make the key investments in our city’s future while being fiscally responsible in the present, and celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday in 2017.

I look forward to working collaboratively with my council colleagues.

I am forever grateful to be your mayor and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support.

Jim Watson


City of Ottawa

Filed in: Front Page

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