List/Grid Tag Archives: Highway 417

No-Left-Turn Ban at Colonel By Drive and Main Street Leaves Residents Puzzled

No-Left-Turn Ban at Colonel By Drive and Main Street Leaves Residents Puzzled

John Dance Residents north of Highway 417 are pleased with the much-improved intersection of Main Street and Colonel By Drive (CBD) but, now that it is fully signalized and reconfigured,… Read more »

Transportation Master Plan – Community Association Contends That AVTC Draft Criteria are Biased

Transportation Master Plan – Community Association Contends That AVTC Draft Criteria are Biased

John Dance Draft criteria for assessing the value of proposed new roadways contained in the City’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP) are biased and could lead to building the Alta Vista… Read more »

Update on the City’s Draft Official Plan: As Far as Old Ottawa East’s concerns go – ya win one, ya lose one, ya lose some more…

Update on the City’s Draft Official Plan: As Far as Old Ottawa East’s concerns go – ya win one, ya lose one, ya lose some more…

Mainstreeter Staff Old Ottawa East (OOE) has gained one concession from City of Ottawa Planning staff but has had its key request to move the area between Highway 417 and… Read more »

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