Sunnyside Branch library: 2015 April-May programs

Children’s Programs


For babies and their parents or caregiver with stories, rhymes, songs and games. 0-18 months. Drop In.

Tuesdays, 2:15 p.m. (30 min.)

Session 2: March 31 – April 21

Session 3: May 5 – May 26


For toddlers and a parent or caregiver with stories, rhymes, songs and games. Ages 18-35 months. Registration is Required; registration starts January 7, 2015

     Choose only one of the two options below:

Tuesdays, 10:15 a.m. (30 min.)

Session 2: March 31 – April 21

Session 3: May 5 – May 26


Thursdays, 10:15 a.m. (30 min.)

Session 2: April 2 – April 23

Session 3: May 7 – May 28

Family Storytime (Bilingual)

Stories, rhymes and songs for preschoolers, toddlers and a parent or caregiver.
No registration required.

Contes, rimes et chansons pour les enfants préscolaires, les tout-petits et un parent ou gardien.
Aucune inscription requise.

Wednesdays 10:15 a.m. / mercredi 10h15 (30 min.)

Session 2: April 1 – April 22 / 1 avril  –  22 avril

Session 3: May 6 – May 27 / 6 mai  – 22 avril

Children’s Special Programs

Silly Saturdays at Sunnyside / On s’amuse les samedis à Sunnyside

Each week there will be board games, Lego, crafts or another activity. Ages 6 & up. No registration required.

Chaque semaine il y aura des jeux de société, Lego, du bricolage, ou une autre activité. Âgés de 6 ans et plus. Aucune inscription requise.

Saturdays, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.: January 10 – May 30

Les samedis, 13 h – 16h : Janvier 10 – 30 mai


Children’s Book Clubs

Mother-Daughter Book Club

A place for girls and the special women in their lives to share books. Ages 7-12. Registration.

Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. (60 min.): April 14, May 12


Share the love of books. For boys and a significant adult. Ages 8-12. Registration.

Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. (60 min.): April 29, May 27

Club de lecture en français pour les enfants! / French Book Club for Kids

Do you like reading in French? Join our new French book club for kids and a significant adult. Ages 7 – 10. Registration.

Aimez-vous lire en français? Venir à notre nouveau club de lecture en français pour les enfants et une adulte important. Âgés 7 – 10. Inscription requise.

Mondays, 6:30 p.m. (60 min.): April 20, May 25

Lundi, 18h30 (60 min.): 20 avril, 25 mai

Teen Programs

TAG (Teen Advisory Group) (Ongoing Event)

Sunnyside Teens–join our new Teen Advisory Group and have a say in which programs, activities and services will be offered to youth and also help plan and implement them. Ages 14-18.  To join, stop by the branch.

Look for Teen Programs presented by Teens: such as Peer Tutoring plus Drop in Board Game & Card Game nights. Meet once a month on Fridays.


Adult Programs

The Writing Workshop

An opportunity for writers of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and experimental forms to gather.  Our emphasis will be on developing works-in-progress for publication. The workshop will provide writers with encouragement and constructive criticism from their peers.  Author/Facilitator: Michael F. Stewart:  Registration.

Mondays, 6:00 p.m. (120 min.): April 13, May 11

Ukrainian Conversation

Join our group led by a fluent Ukrainian speaker. Start off with a review of the Ukrainian alphabet. All are welcome. Registration.

Mondays, 7:00 pm (60 min.): April 20, 27, May 4, 25

Conversations Among Canadians

We will, as usual in this program, share our experience, knowledge, reflections and ideas on a wide range of topics relevant to life in Canada, past, present and future. Topics may include the environment, the economy, science and technology, social well-being, even new findings about the human brain. Exploring our own attitudes, we will be alert for a growing sense of community and goodwill among Canadians at home and with others in the world, including living in community with the land. Making an informal appreciation of the Canadian situation, we will continue to challenge our imaginations and find our voices, hoping to offer helpful contributions around the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of Confederation in 2017. Registration.

Wednesdays, 2:00 – 4:00 pm (120 min.): January 7 – June 24

Workshops for 2017 Projects

As the 150th anniversary of Confederation in 2017 draws near, some Canadians are suggesting we mark the occasion with projects large and small, focused on our past, present or future. A workshop for people to discuss, brainstorm or work on their projects will be held at the Sunnyside library on Saturday mornings until the end of May. Drop-in.

Saturdays, 10:00 am-12:00 pm (120 min.): March 21 – May 30

Science Cafés with Carleton University

Explore science through Carleton University’s popular Science Cafés. Put on by the university’s Faculty of Science, cafés are held every other Wednesday during the fall and winter terms. Each café begins at 6:30 p.m. with a 20 minute talk by a scientist followed by a 40 minute open question and answer period. Come and join us for a lively discussion around a scientific issue of the day. Be prepared to be informed, engaged and even amused, as Carleton’s professors share their scientific discoveries with you. Drop in.

Wednesdays, 6:30 pm (60 min.): April 8

Ingenious Talks (Faculty of Engineering & Design, Carleton University)

FED Talks is a new speaker series from Carleton University’s Faculty of Engineering and Design that engages the community in discussions of timely and innovative ideas in engineering, design and technology. This series is open to the public and everyone is encouraged to come out and learn! Coffee and snacks will be available. Drop in.

Wednesdays, 6:30 pm (60 min.): April 1, May 6

Knit & Knatter: Learn to Knit

Have you always wanted to learn to knit or improve your skills? Now is the time to come to Sunnyside and bring your knitting needles and yarn to begin knitting that first scarf for winter, or share your project if you are an experienced knitter and enjoy conversation and a cup of tea! Drop-in.

Wednesdays, 1:00 pm (60 min.): April 8, 22, May 13, 27

Conversation en français

Improve your spoken French and meet new friends in a relaxed setting. Intermediate level required. Drop in.

Thursdays, 6:30 pm (60 min.): January 22 – May 28


Adult Special Programs

Are You a Good Financial Role Model?

Teaching kids about money is a challenge! First you need understand the characteristics of a good financial role model and understand where you stand. Learn SMART goals and how to set effective financial goals. Offered in partnership with the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada. Registration.

Thursday, April 9, 6:30 pm (90 min.)

Art Talks – Clever Illusions: Pablo Picasso Ceramics

An international superstar of Modernist art, Picasso explored every medium, and stretched all the rules.

His inventiveness and  humour are everywhere apparent in his ceramics, where we are delivered right into his hands, so to speak. This talk will illustrate a spectrum of his ceramics, which were made chiefly from 1947 to 1971. Registration.

Wednesday, April 15, 2:00 pm (60 min.)

Home Inspection Workshop

Nathan Weinstock, Registered Home Inspector with AccuChex Inspections, will lead a workshop on home inspection tips and helpful hints. This seminar will be of interest to home owners, home buyers and sellers, and those concerned with new home warranty issues. You will learn how to conduct your own inspection and how to get the most out of a home inspector. Registration.

Thursday, April 16, 6:30 pm (90 min.)

Love your Liver: Top 5 Ways to Protect Your Liver

This program offers information on the healthy function of the liver and how it affects your overall health and well being. What harms the liver? Why is the liver so important to overall health? How does it work and how can you protect yours? Registration.

Wednesday, April 29, 6:00 pm (60 min.)

Media Streaming 101

Broadband internet has significantly transformed the delivery of media content to our households. With more content readily available, a growing number of Canadians are cutting the traditional cable and satellite umbilical cord and opting for online alternatives. Jeff Dubois, Publicity Chair, Ottawa PC Users’ Group examines some of the alternatives, restrictions and solutions used to maximize your streaming experience.

Thursday, April 30, 6:00 pm (120 min.)

How to Start a Business

Interested in starting a business? Invest Ottawa business advisors present this information-packed workshop on starting a business and business planning. Offered in partnership with Invest Ottawa. Registration.

Thursday, May 21, 6:00 pm (120 min.)

Art Talks – The Della Robbias: Blue and White  Ceramic Sculpture  from 15th Century Tuscany

Sculptor Luca della Robbia (1400-1481) founded an artistic family dynasty whose blue and white ceramics remain almost as fresh as the day they were made. Their originality, ornamental beauty, and economy of manufacture made them wildly successful in the fifteenth century. This talk will outline the della Robbia production and illustrate its integration into Italian architecture of the time. Registration.

Wednesday, May 27, 2:30 pm (60 min.)

Making a Hard Copy Photo Album from Digital Photos

We all take lots of digital photos. But most just sit on a computer and, at best, are seen on-screen. Why not do more with your photos? Chris Taylor, President of the Ottawa PC Users’ Group will show you how easy it is to use an on-line service to create beautiful hard-copy books of your photos, completely customized, with embellishments, backgrounds, frames, text and more. Registration.

Thursday, May 28, 6:30 pm (120 min.)

Adult Book Clubs

European Book Club

The European Book Club is a cooperation of the European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC) in Ottawa: the Austrian Cultural Forum, the Goethe Institute, the Romanian Cultural Institute, the Instituto Camoes of Portugal and the Embassy of the Republic of Poland. The EBC aims to promote European authors and their works. A book title from an EU country is selected for discussion each month. Registration.

April title (Austria): Winter Quarters by Evelyn Grill (2004)

May title (Ireland): Molly Fox’s Birthday by Deirdre Madden (2009)

Wednesdays, 6:00 pm (120 min.): April 15, May 20

Non-Fiction Adult Book Club

Join in stimulating discussions on selected titles of non-fiction in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. A variety of topics will be discussed depending on the interests of the group. Bring your suggestions. Registration.

June title: Blue Future: Protecting Water for People and the Planet Forever by Maude Barlow (2013)

Fridays, 2:00 pm (60 min.): June 5

Second Friday Adult Book Club

Meet new people and join in stimulating discussions on selected titles in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere every second Friday of the month.  Newcomers are welcome.  Registration.

April title: Life After Life by Kate Atkinson

May title: The Rosie Project by Graeme C. Simsion

Fridays, 2:00 pm (60 min.): April 10, May 8

Mystery Book Club

Do you enjoy reading mysteries? Share the enjoyment of good mysteries in a relaxed atmosphere. Join us for discussion every third Friday of the month. Registration.

April title: The Dark Winter by David John Mark

May title: Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger

Fridays, 2:00 pm (60 min.): April 17, May 15

Sunnyside Adult Book Club

Join in stimulating discussions on selected titles in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere on the last Friday of the month.  Registration.

April title: Road Ends by Mary Lawson

May title: The Dinner by Herman Koch

Fridays, 2:00 pm (60 min.): April 24, May 29



succursale Sunnyside Branch, Ottawa Public Library / Bibliothéque publique d’Ottawa

1049 Bank, Ottawa, ON K1S 3W9

613-730-1082 – Children’s Services, ext. 29 / Adult Services, ext. 22


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