Sunnyside Branch Library – Public Service Announcement, October 2015

2015 October – November Programs
Sunnyside Branch Library, 1049 Bank, Ottawa, ON K1S 3W9


For babies and their parents or caregiver with stories, rhymes, songs and games. 0-18 months. Drop In.
Tuesdays, 2:15 p.m. (30 min.)
Session 1: September 15 – October 27
Session 2: November 10 – December 8

For toddlers and a parent or caregiver with stories, rhymes, songs and games. Ages 18-35 months. Registration begins September 9.
Choose only one of the two options below:
Tuesdays, 10:15 a.m. (30 min.)
Session 1: September 15 – October 27
Session 2: November 10 – December 8
Thursdays, 10:15 a.m. (30 min.)
Session 1: September 17 – October 29
Session 2: November 12 – December 10

Family Storytime (Bilingual)
Stories, rhymes and songs for preschoolers, toddlers and a parent or caregiver.
No registration required.
Contes, rimes et chansons pour les enfants préscolaires, les tout-petits et un parent ou gardien.
Aucune inscription requise.
Wednesdays 10:15 a.m. / mercredi 10h15 (30 min.)
Session 1: September 16 – October 28 / 16 septembre – 28 octobre
Session 2: November 18 – December 9

Silly Saturdays at Sunnyside / On s’amuse les samedis à Sunnyside
Join us for board games, wii, Lego or crafts. Ages 6 & up. No registration required.
Joignez-vous à nous pour des jeux de société, wii, Lego, ou du bricolage. gés de 6 ans +. Aucune inscription requise.
Saturdays, 1:00 pm (180 min.): November 14 – December 19
Les samedis, 13 h (180 min.) : 14 novembre – 19 décembre


Boo, Bouh!
Halloween stories and craft for all ages. Registration.
Contes et bricolage d’Halloween pour tous les enfants. Inscription requise.
Saturday, October 31, 10:30 am (60 min.)
Samedi, 31 octobre, 10h30 (60 min.)

Block Party / Ça dé “bloc”
Building Boom: show off your architectural creativity with Lego.® All ages. No registration required.
Archiboum! Architectes en herbe, à vos Lego®! Pour tous les enfants. Aucune inscription requise.
Friday, October 9, November 20, 1:00 pm (240 min.)
Vendredi, 9 octobre, 20 novembre, 13h (240 min.)


Mighty Girls Book Club
A children’s book club focussed on exploring brave, strong and intelligent girls in books. Previously called the Mother-Daughter Book Club, mothers or other special women are encouraged to accompany their child. Ages 7-12. Registration.
Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. (60 min.): October 27, November 24

Readers Wanted Book Club
Great books to share with others. Join our book club for kids accompanied by a significant adult. Ages 9-11. No registration required.
October title: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
November title: Number the Stars by Lois Lowry
Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. (60 min.): October 28, November 25

Club de lecture en français pour les enfants! / French Book Club for Kids
Do you like reading in French? Join our French book club for kids and a significant adult. Ages 7 – 10. Registration.
Aimez-vous lire en français? Venir à notre club de lecture en français pour les enfants et une adulte important. gés 7 – 10. Inscription
Mondays, 6:30 p.m. (60 min.): October 19, November 16
Les lundi, 18h30 (60 min.): 19 octobre, 16 novembre


TAG (Teen Advisory Group) (Ongoing Event)
Attention Sunnyside Teens! Join our new Teen Advisory Group and have a say in which programs, activities and services will be offered to youth and also help plan and implement them. Ages 14-18. To join, stop by the branch. Look for Teen Programs presented by Teens such as Peer Tutoring plus Drop in Board Game & Card Game nights.
Fridays, 4:00 p.m. (60 min.): October 23, November 20

Teen Author Fest
The annual Teen Author Fest is once again jam packed with appearances from talented authors. All of the programs are free and open to teens across the city. Ask at the branch for more details.
Thursday, October 29, 7:00 pm (90 min.)


The Writing Workshop
An opportunity for writers of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and experimental forms to gather. Our emphasis will be on developing works-in-progress for publication. The workshop will provide writers with encouragement and constructive criticism from their peers. Author/Facilitator: Michael F. Stewart: Registration.
Mondays, 6:00 p.m. (120 min.): October 19, November 16

The Writer’s Room
Two hours – 1,000 words. A place for writers to meet and write without distraction in a supportive peer environment. Drop in.
Mondays, 10:00 a.m. (120 min.): October 19, November 16

Ukrainian Conversation
Would you like to learn Ukrainian? Join our group to discuss interesting topics pertaining to Ukraine and its culture. Build your Ukrainian language skills led by a fluent Ukrainian speaker. Discussion and instruction is in English. All are welcome! Registration.
Mondays, 7:00 pm (60 min.): October 5, November 9, 16

Conversations Among Canadians
In this program, now beginning its fifth year, we will continue to share our experience, knowledge, reflections and ideas relevant to life in Canada, past, present and future, doing so with a sense of community among Canadians and with others in the world. Topics range widely and in the autumn of 2015 will likely continue to include good government, climate change, the economy, social justice, and innovation, among others. We also hope to help stimulate and make helpful contributions to a nationwide conversation among Canadians throughout 2017, the anniversary of Confederation. Registration.
Wednesdays, 2:00 – 4:00 pm (120 min.): September 9 – November 25

Workshops for 2017 Projects
As the 150th anniversary of Confederation in 2017 draws near, some Canadians are suggesting we mark the occasion with projects large and small, focussed on our past, present or future. A workshop for people to discuss, brainstorm or work on their projects. Drop-in.
Saturdays, 10:00 am (120 min.): September 19 – November 28

Science Cafés with Carleton University
Explore science through Carleton University’s popular Science Cafés. Put on by the university’s Faculty of Science, cafés are held every other Wednesday during the fall and winter terms. Each café begins at 6:30 p.m. with a 20 minute talk by a scientist followed by a 40 minute open question and answer period. Come and join us for a lively discussion around a scientific issue of the day. Be prepared to be informed, engaged and even amused, as Carleton’s professors share their scientific discoveries with you. Drop in.
Wednesdays, 6:30 pm (60 min.): October 14, 28, November 25

Ingenious Talks (Faculty of Engineering & Design, Carleton University)
Ingenious Talks is a new speaker series from Carleton University’s Faculty of Engineering and Design that engages the community in discussions of timely and innovative ideas in engineering, design and technology. This series is open to the public and everyone is encouraged to come out and learn! Coffee and snacks will be available. Drop in.
Wednesdays, 6:30 pm (60 min.): October 7, November 4

Knit & Knatter: Learn to Knit
Have you always wanted to learn to knit or improve your skills? Now is the time to come to Sunnyside and bring your knitting needles and yarn to begin knitting that first scarf for winter, or share your project if you are an experienced knitter. Enjoy conversation and a cup of tea while you knit! Drop-in.
Wednesdays, 1:00 pm (60 min.): October 14, 28, November 25

Conversation en français
Improve your spoken French and meet new friends in a relaxed setting. Intermediate level required. Drop in.
Thursdays, 6:30 pm (60 min.): September 17 – December 17

Art Talks – George A. Reid, Canadian Artist
Best known for his monumental painting, Mortgaging the Homestead, 1890, in the National Gallery of Canada, George Agnew Reid (1860-1947) was a surprisingly versatile artist, architect, designer, and teacher. This talk by Ellen McLeod will follow his long career which covers his student days, his award winning paintings, his arts and crafts designs, his homes, buildings and murals in the U.S., France, and Ontario, as well as his marriages to two women artists. Registration.
Wednesday, October 21, 2:00 pm (60 min.)

Art Talks – Dame Lucie Rie, Ceramist
Lucie Gomperz was born in 1902 to an affluent family in Vienna, where she studied ceramics. Following a poor marriage, Lucie Rie escaped to London in 1938 and began a new life. Over 50 years in the same studio on Albion Mews, her skill and reputation soared and she was knighted in 1991, to become Dame Lucie Rie. After her death in 1995, London’s Victoria and Albert Museum recreated her studio to show her unique works in context. This talk by Ellen McLeod will discuss her methods, collaborations and development, and especially focus on her delicate porcelain works. Registration.
Wednesday, November 18, 2:00 pm (60 min.)


Social Media Strategy for Your Business
Being online is a must for any business, but what should you be doing so that you are using the time you are spending online effectively to reach your goals? This session will cover the basics of putting together a social media plan for your business so that you know where to start and how to move forward. Offered in partnership with Lara Wellman of Wellman and Wilson Consulting. Registration.
Thursday, October 8, 6:30 pm (90 min.)

Boosting Your Immune System Naturally
You will learn practical information on how to boost your immune system to prevent getting sick. Topics discussed include diet and lifestyle changes, nutritional supplements, botanical medicine, homeopathic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Registration.
Thursday, October 22, 6:00 pm (120 min.)

Pilgrimage: Life Lessons Learned From Walking
Pilgrimage, especially on the Camino path in northern Spain, is becoming increasingly popular. Information abounds on how to physically prepare for such a journey, but little consideration is given to the mental, emotional and spiritual upheaval that pilgrimage brings. As experienced, modern pilgrims who have walked the Camino and from Rome to Jerusalem, Mony Dojeiji and Alberto Agraso will share insights and lessons learned from their pilgrimages, with the intention that these inspire the pilgrim’s personal journey, wherever it may lead them. Registration.
Thursday, November 5, 6:30 pm (60 min.)

Expedition Cruising in the Canadian Maritimes
Discover a unique way to visit the most breathtaking and best kept secrets of the Maritimes! This travel talk will feature natural wonders, such as Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland; Anticosti Island & Magdalen Island, Quebec; Percé Rock & Bonaventure Island, Quebec, and Sable Island, Nova Scotia. In addition, cultural wonders including the Fortress of Louisberg, Nova Scotia, and Saint Pierre and Miquelon, France (territorial off the coast of Canada) will be featured. Join Carole Gobeil for an exciting adventure close to home!
Thursday, November 12, 6:30 pm (60 min.)

Creating a Better Website for Your Business
The web development tool you will learn about is WordPress, which is a free content management system that allows you to build and manage your own website or blog. This workshop will look at ideas for what kind of content small business owners might want to share via a website. You don’t need to spend a lot of time learning a complicated new software language. There is no specialized knowledge to setup and maintain WordPress. You will save hundreds of dollars by not having to purchase expensive software or hire an expensive web designer. Presented by Osamu Wakabayashi of Zen Ideas. Registration.
Tuesday, November 17, 6:00 pm (120 min.)


European Book Club
Join us for the ultimate armchair travel around Europe. The European Book Club is offered in partnership with European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC) in Ottawa to promote European authors and their works. A book title from an EU country is selected for discussion each month. Registration.
October title (Portugal): The Splendor of Portugal by António Lobo Antunes (2011)
Wednesdays, 6:00 pm (120 min.): October 21, November 18

Second Friday Adult Book Club
Meet new people and join in stimulating discussions on selected titles in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere every second Friday of the month. Newcomers are welcome. Registration.
October title: Reading Lolita in Tehran by Nafisi Azar
November title: Us by David Nicholls
Fridays, 2:00 pm (60 min.): October 9, November 13

Mystery Book Club
Do you enjoy reading mysteries? Share the enjoyment of good mysteries in a relaxed atmosphere. Join us for discussion usually every third Friday of the month. Registration.
October title: The Red Road by Denise Mina
November title: The Collini Case by Ferdinand von Schirach
Fridays, 2:00 pm (60 min.): October 16, November 20

Sunnyside Adult Book Club
Join in stimulating discussions on selected titles in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere on the last Friday of the month. Registration.
October title: The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce
November title: The Gathering by Anne Enright
Fridays, 2:00 pm (60 min.): October 30, November 27

succursale Sunnyside Branch, Ottawa Public Library / Bibliothéque publique d’Ottawa
1049 Bank, Ottawa, ON K1S 3W9
613-730-1082 – Children’s Services, ext. 29 / Adult Services, ext. 22

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