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Do I Smell A Rat? Job Opening – The Pied Piper of Hamelin needed in Old Ottawa East
Peter Croal I stared my morning as usual. Get the paper, turn on a light, make sure the car is still in the driveway and then head to the kitchen…

Passionate Defence of 185 Hawthorne Avenue Public Space Forces a Change to City’s Development Plans
John Dance Residents’ advocacy at planning committee meeting scales back housing blueprint,saves greenspace and trees Many residents of the Hawthorne Avenue neighbourhood east of Main Street recently mounted a concerted…

Crumbling Cement, High Vacancy Rate, Empty Retail Units All Point to the Decline of the Community’s Original High-Rise Tower
Mainstreeter Staff The Mainstreeter examines the checkered past, stagnant present and uncertain future of the Le Marquis apartment building at 95 Main Street, the 11-storey concrete monolith that dwarfs its…